Friday, September 9, 2011

Post 7 - “Someone to Watch Over Me”

You will need someone to drive you to and from surgery. No, you cannot drive yourself. Go ahead, ask your doctor. They’ll just laugh at you. 

Ping a person you trust (significant other, friend, family member) to be your caretaker for the day of and day after (at least). Feel free to switch it up and have different people for different days. Variety is the spice of life and surgery. Or something like that.

The night before:
  1. Shower, shave what you please, and wash your hair. You’re not going to be able to lift your arm past your shoulder for a few days.
  2. Stop eating as directed. Read and reread your instructions. I’ve messed up the food rules before. Don’t do that. Don't be like me. The rules are there for your safety and comfort.
  3. Plan your surgery outfit. Be sure to include:
  • Comfortable pants (jammies!)
  • Sandals
  • Snug-fitting sports bra
  • Button down shirt
  • Glasses, not contacts (if applicable)

Set your alarm. Double check to make sure you set it correctly. Journal before you go to bed, just to get out any lingering fears or anxieties, and mark the occasion. You’ve done all you can to prepare. Tomorrow, trusted medical professionals will take over. You’ll be in good hands. 

Now get some sleep.

Next Post 9/16:  I Like Soft Things

Question:  What helps you relax the night before a major/stressful event?

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